Monday, May 30, 2011

The Previous Generation

The generation before us grew up quite differently then we have.  The major difference between the two generations is the technology.  I am constantly listening to my mother complain about how I am too addicted to my phone and all the other technologies. Granted, she has an argument; I have my blackberry next to me at all times. But here is the kicker...she has recently upgraded from a flip phone to a droid, which is a smart phone as well. Along with this she has her iTouch, with the two she has become just as addicted as me.  I am sick of hearing older people complain about how us younger people are always on out phones. Hi, Hello, have you ever though of how convenient this devices are?! With the technology that we have today are so useful. Yes, they have their down sides, but so does everything in life. The main complaint that I hear is using phones while driving. My mom tells me not to talk on the phone while driving, then she calls me form her car!! Umm, okay? I see just as many adults talking on their phone as teenagers. So for once I would love to have my mom admit that she loves her phone and would be lost without it.

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